Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Rushes Log

I organised my clips into folders; this way I knew where my clips were. It probably could have been organised better, but i found it useful during editing.

Highlighted in Blue are the shots I filmed one day at my house when we were practising for a gig. There are also some titles in this folder as well.

Green highlights the archive clips I used (videos from old gigs, rehearsals etc.)

Sams interview

Jakes Interview


Call Sheet

Shooting Schedule

Documentary Storyboards

These storyboards show what the interviews in my documentary will look like.

Risk Assessments

BBFC Letter

Ben Harrison
100, Kings Road
LD23 5FN


Dear whom it may concern,

I am writing to submit my short documentary ‘Energy Boys’ for Classification.

After reviewing the criteria for your classification standards, I believe that the appropriate certificate would be a PG.  This is due to very mild references of alcohol and drugs; there is a very short clip near the beginning where two teenagers are seen playing music with two beer bottles in front of them. There is also a short clip of a teenager who has a tobacco pouch poking out of his shirt pocket.

There should be no reason for this film to be classified any higher, as there is no suggestion of condoning the use of these substances, and they are barely noticeable (you would have to look for them in order to see them).

For these reasons, I hope you will be able to review the film and provide this film with appropriate classification.

Kind Regards

Ben Harrison